Ladies do you crave that healthy glowing skin? Well one trick that can help you reach it is Drinking plenty of water. Ladies water is the key whether you know it or not.Water is literally one of the biggest sources of nutrients for your skin. Some say 8 glasses a day is what you need and some might say more, but no matter how much you drink the moment you feel thirsty is the moment you need to drink. Drinking water will help maintain your fluids, flush out toxins, help control calories, energise your muscles and keep your skin looking and feeling good.
So ladies what are you waiting for get out those glasses and pour a little of H2O and get that skin looking right:)
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Beauty Tip # 15 D.I.Y. Nail Polish
Ok ladies I have never tried this before or even heard of it until a friend in my blogging class Katie Barbee told me about it, so thanks Katie for telling me about it. So ladies this is a fun, easy and simple way to make your own nail polish using eye shadow, you can either buy new shadow or use what you have at home or in your dorm, who knew eye shadow could do so much!
Step 1
First get your clear bottle of nail polish does not matter the brand
Step 2
Pick the colors of eye shadow you want to use then crush it up.
Step 3
After you have all your colors mixed togther then you pour it into the clear nail polish, to pour it in I used a sticky note and just rolled it up works easier that way.
Step 4
Once all the colors are in mix it up
Step 5
After you have mixed it, you should have the color nail polish you desired
Step 1
First get your clear bottle of nail polish does not matter the brand
Step 2
Pick the colors of eye shadow you want to use then crush it up.
If you have eye shadow that busted from falling on the floor this is a great way to put it to use
Step 3
After you have all your colors mixed togther then you pour it into the clear nail polish, to pour it in I used a sticky note and just rolled it up works easier that way.
Step 4
Once all the colors are in mix it up
Step 5
After you have mixed it, you should have the color nail polish you desired
Beauty Tip # 14 Make you own lipstick
Ladies have you ever wondered how to make your very own lipstick? Well I know how and I'm going to show you step by step how to make it too!
Step 1
Get all your supplies ready, you will need your favorite color eye shadow and Vaseline
Step 2
Take a small amount of Vaseline and put on the outer part of your hand
Step 3
Once you have your Vaseline take a little bit of eye shadow and rub it in the Vaseline
Step 4
Once you have the color you desire rub it onto your lips, and there you have it you have just made your very own lipstick!
Step 1
Get all your supplies ready, you will need your favorite color eye shadow and Vaseline
Step 2
Take a small amount of Vaseline and put on the outer part of your hand
Step 3
Once you have your Vaseline take a little bit of eye shadow and rub it in the Vaseline
Step 4
Once you have the color you desire rub it onto your lips, and there you have it you have just made your very own lipstick!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Beauty Tip # 13 D.I.Y Gel/Cream Eyeliner
Ladies do you hate when your eyeliner runs out and you don't have time to run out and get more? Well I hate when that happens to me so I found a little tutorial video that will show you step by step how to make your own eyeliner that is proven to work great. I will post right below, I thought this was cool and she does a great job on showing what to do so I hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Beauty tip # 12, 5 Beauty tips without spending a dime!!
Ladies beauty comes from within so here are 5 beauty tips that will help you love and appreciate yourself a little more.
3. Give yourself a nutritional boost. Eat more colorful fruits and vegatables so you can have all the energy you need to stay healthy and beautiful.
4. Pump up your adrenaline, become more active try to get your heart rate up you will soon begin to notice how briter your cheeks and eyes have become.
5. Treat yourself, Take time and go buy yourself something or go get your nails and feet done. As women we are always on the go and somtimes we forget about our needs.
- Stop saying negative things about yourself, for ex: " I;m ugly, I'm fat, I wish I could look like her etc..." you have to boost yourself up with positive words my favorites are the following below feel free to use them for yourself.
- I'm Beautiful
- I love me
- I will become healthier
3. Give yourself a nutritional boost. Eat more colorful fruits and vegatables so you can have all the energy you need to stay healthy and beautiful.
4. Pump up your adrenaline, become more active try to get your heart rate up you will soon begin to notice how briter your cheeks and eyes have become.
5. Treat yourself, Take time and go buy yourself something or go get your nails and feet done. As women we are always on the go and somtimes we forget about our needs.
I hope these tips helped you out a little and remember you are beautiful...Have a nice day!!!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Beauty Tip #11 Scent your hair with perfume
Have you ever wondered how some girls hair always smell good and you cant seem to find the smell of their hair spray, well the reason you may not be able to find is because they probably use a perfume or fragrance that they love. So yes you can do it to and its as simple as 1,2,3.
First just get a brush and the fragrance of your choice
Secondly apply fragrance to your brush
Lastly brush your hair!
After you have brushed your hair it should be smelling just the way you want. When I did it the scent lasted all day, so if you want a nice smell to your hair you should really try this out!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Beauty Tip #10 No-chip nail secret
Want to learn a trick on how to paint your nails like a pro and keep them looking fresh longer and on how to keep them from chipping. I get tired of painting my nails and in less than three days they are chipped and back to the way they looked before they were ladies don’t you hate that. Well I have four great and easy steps here that will help prevent that from happening again.
Remove all nail polish
-First remove all nail polish from nails, this will also help remove dirt and oils from your nails and will give you a good base to work with. Once your nails are smooth and clean, move onto the polish.
Use a base coat and top coat
-The base coat is usually always forgotten before painting the nails. But if you use the base coat it’s almost like a primer and will help smooth and protect your nails. Make sure you apply to your tips as well-this will help prevent chipping. After your base coat and polish of your choice give yourself a couple of minutes to dry and then use a top coat to seal the polish.
Allow time for polish to dry
-This can be very hard. But it’s a must in order for nails to come out the way you want. Not giving your nails enough time to dry will lead to smudging and that’s not cute, so just be patient and give your nails time to dry.
Cold water
-Looking for a way to make sure your nails are dry? Place nails into cold water to dry the polish, it really works wonders. After giving your nails time to dry, next dip you nails into cold water. This will harden the nail polish.

*Now that you have completed these four steps your nails should be just the way you want them hard and with a nice shine that will hopefully last more than 3 days. I hope this works for you because it did wonders for me.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Beauty Tip # 9 Excess Glitter Removal
Ladies have you ever put on eyeshadow that have glitter in it, or maybe you even put a little on just to add a little flavor to your outfit, but it ended up being to much glitter and you can't get it off or you don't want to mess up the makeup you already have on? Well here's a little inexpensive way to remove it. Scotch tape, Yes I said it tape ladies that all you need and the glitter will be gone in seconds.
I hate when glitter from my eyeshadow gets under my eyes and I can't get it off.
I hate when glitter from my eyeshadow gets under my eyes and I can't get it off.
Step 1: All you need is Scotch Tape
Step 2: Place tape under eye where the glitter is, make sure you rube it lightly not hard.
Step 3: Remove slowly that way you will not mess up the remainder of your makeup.
Step 4:
Once you remove the tape you will see the glitter on the tape and it should be gone.
Step 5: Now you can go to where you need to without glitter everywhere.

Try it I promise it works!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Guest post by Brandi Cockerham
Many of you know that I am in a blogging class and for one of our requirements we have to have a guest post. So for my guest post I asked Brandi Cockerham to do a post because I absolutlely love her blog Pointers From a Penny Pincher because she gives you tips on how to save money when shopping, so if you have not been to her blog you are really missing out.
Guest Post
Hello Everyone! I want to start off by thanking Arsherres for giving me the opportunity to write this guest blog post for her. I am so honored to write for this blog as it is one of my favorite blogs to visit. Although I do not have nearly the sense of style and beauty that Arsherres does, we do have one thing in common- a passion for saving money. My blog, Pointers From a Penny Pincher , is a blog where I share tips on being frugal and smart when shopping for everything from groceries to clothes.
So, when Arsherres asked me to do a guest post for her, I was super excited but somewhat nervous because like I said earlier, I’m not nearly as familiar with beauty products as Reece is. I finally decided that I would write about where I buy almost all of my beauty products- the Dollar Tree! If any of you do read my blog, you know how much I love this store.
I’ll admit- I don’t buy much when it comes to make up… I’m pretty low maintenance. But, most of the products that I do need for my daily routine are sold at the Dollar Tree. I use cotton balls and Q-tips on a daily basis, both of which are sold for $1 each. Toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, and conditioner are also available for $1 apiece. Some items that I use less frequently, but are also sold at the Dollar Tree include nail polish, polish remover, lipstick, eye shadow, blush, and make up brushes.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Beauty Tip # 8 Use Medicated Chapstick as a Cuticle Condition
When my lips get chapped the first thing I go to is Chapstick, but never have I thought that just like your lips get dehydrated, crack, and peel, so do your cuticles. Your cuticles need as much hydration as your lips and Chapstick believe it or not will help them. The Medicated Chapstick really helps heal, hydrate, and protect them.
All you have to do is rub the Chapstick over your cuticles once and repeat a few hours later to make sure you get your cuticles back to the way they use to be. This is a quick, easy and affordable remedy for your nails that will come in handy just when you need it.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Beauty Tip # 7 Baking Soda will Work for You!!!
Baking Soda does more than keep your refrigerator fresh. For only $1 a box of Baking Soda can do wonders for your skin,hair,feet,and teeth.
Bright Pearly Whites
Want pearly white teeth but cant seem to get them that way? With just a 1 teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of water the trick can be done. Just take a small amount and sprinkle it onto your toothbrush and brush and within a few minutes you want be able to stop smiling.
Baking Soda as Deodorant Say What???
Just sprinkle baking powder in the palm of your hands and pat under your arms to feel fresh all day.The baking soda will absorb the odors instead of just covering it up.
Great for Baths
Had a long day and just want a relaxing bath? Before getting into the tube pour about 1/2 of baking soda into your bath for a nice soak.Your skin will feel great also when your finish.
Face and Body
For nice smooth radient skin, make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Rub in a circular motion and rinse clean. Works wonders!
Home Pedicure
Why pay lots of money when you can do it yourself. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda in a bucket of warm water and soak your feet, then gently scrub with a paste of baking soda.
I encourage you to try at least a few of these tips it works GREAT!!!
Bright Pearly Whites
Want pearly white teeth but cant seem to get them that way? With just a 1 teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of water the trick can be done. Just take a small amount and sprinkle it onto your toothbrush and brush and within a few minutes you want be able to stop smiling.
Baking Soda as Deodorant Say What???
Just sprinkle baking powder in the palm of your hands and pat under your arms to feel fresh all day.The baking soda will absorb the odors instead of just covering it up.
Great for Baths
Had a long day and just want a relaxing bath? Before getting into the tube pour about 1/2 of baking soda into your bath for a nice soak.Your skin will feel great also when your finish.
Face and Body
For nice smooth radient skin, make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Rub in a circular motion and rinse clean. Works wonders!
Home Pedicure
Why pay lots of money when you can do it yourself. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda in a bucket of warm water and soak your feet, then gently scrub with a paste of baking soda.
I encourage you to try at least a few of these tips it works GREAT!!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Beauty Tip # 6 Everlasting scent with just a hand shake
Going on a date, have an interview, want to make an everlasting impression but with a good scent?
Have you ever thought about rubbing your favorite smelling perfume in the palm of your hands?With just one dab of smell good perfume you will leave the hands of whom ever hand you shake wanting you to come back one more time.
Have you ever thought about rubbing your favorite smelling perfume in the palm of your hands?With just one dab of smell good perfume you will leave the hands of whom ever hand you shake wanting you to come back one more time.
One squirt is all you need, you don't want to over do it!
Once you shake hands the perfume you chose to use will be stuck with them the rest of the day so make sure if your going to try this to use a good smelling perfume nothing to strong and nothing to sweet!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Beauty Tip # 5 Sleep is One of the Greatest Tips There is!
Sleep is the most important part of our everyday lives without it it's hard to keep going.Sleep is also a great way to stay looking great and young looking. If you have trouble sleeping I have a few tips that can help you get a good night rest.
Listen to Relaxing Music
Relaxing music really works, I listen to it every night and it really helps me relax.
Try to Avoid Snacks before Bed
Eating snacks before bed can raise your blood sugar and might keep you from sleeping.
Wear Socks to Bed
Wearing socks to bed can reduce your awakings during your sleep
Avoid Using Loud Alarms
It is very stressful for the body to be awoken suddenly, If you really need an alarm use one that's not too loud
Get to Bed as Early as Possible
The more sleep you get the better
Listen to Relaxing Music
Relaxing music really works, I listen to it every night and it really helps me relax.
Try to Avoid Snacks before Bed
Eating snacks before bed can raise your blood sugar and might keep you from sleeping.
Wear Socks to Bed
Wearing socks to bed can reduce your awakings during your sleep
Avoid Using Loud Alarms
It is very stressful for the body to be awoken suddenly, If you really need an alarm use one that's not too loud
Get to Bed as Early as Possible
The more sleep you get the better
Sleep is the best tip there is, so get a lot of it!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Beauty Tip # 4 Valentines Day "The Eyes can Capture a Heart"
Ladies Tomorrow is Valentines Day, and the eyes are what can really capture someones heart, so I have have found a couple of tutorials on eyeshadow makeup that you might want to try.
Valentines Day colors that will make your eyes look great.
Valentines Day romantic eye makeup that makes your eyes appear larger.
Valentines Day colors that will make your eyes look great.
Valentines Day romantic eye makeup that makes your eyes appear larger.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Beauty Tip # 3 VapoRub can Help Cracked Feet Too
Have dry feet and dont know what to do? No lotion/foot lotion really works for you? I have problems with having dry feet sometimes so I tried VapoRub on them and it works great. VapoRub is a cough supressant, but never would I have thought it could work wonders on feet.
All you have to do is apply it to your feet before going to bed and put on a pair of socks and when you wake in the morning your feet should be nice and soft.VapoRub cost about $11.99 not a bad price for all it can do. So if your suffering from cracked/dry feet why not try it out and see how it works for you.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Beauty Tip # 2 Vaseline is Your Best Friend
Ladies have you ever had eye makeup remover that just would not get the job done, or instead of remover you used a paper towel and water?Did you know with a little bit of Vaseline all of your eye makeup can be removed within seconds. I didn't believe it until I tried it and it works GREAT trust me. Vaseline only cost $1 in many stores so no stress of the wallet once again.
Vaseline is a great, cheap eye makeup remover.
Vaseline and Petroleum Jelly is the same thing so either one you use will work the same way to remove eye makeup.
Apply Vaseline to each eye lid, it doesn't have to be much just enough to go over the makeup.
After you have applied the Vaseline take a cotton ball or a piece of tissue and gently wipe off the makeup.
After you have applied Vaseline to both eyes and wipe off the eye make up your eye lids will be clear of any eye makeup.
Vaseline is a great, cheap eye makeup remover.
Apply Vaseline to each eye lid, it doesn't have to be much just enough to go over the makeup.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Beauty Tip # 1: Remove Nail Polish Without Remover!
Ladies don't you just hate when you have cracked or chipped nail polish and have already used up all of your remover. I have a quick and easy solution for you that will get the job done in no time,this is where that clear nail polish of yours is gonna come in handy,and guess what you don't have to even think about opening up your wallet .
You can only use this trick if your nails are cracked or chipped, not fully covered in paint.
All you need is a couple of cotton balls and clear nail polish to do the job, the brand of the nail polish does not matter.
Apply a clear top coat to the nail, it usually takes about two coats when applying to nail for it to work correctly.
Once the clear top coat has been applied to the nail, take the cotton ball and rub off the clear coat. This is a very easy process and does not take a long time depending on how much nail polish is on your nails. So when you don't have time to run to the store to buy remover try this little trick and your cracked or chipped nail polish will be gone.
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