Sunday, April 21, 2013

Beauty Tip # 15 D.I.Y. Nail Polish

Ok ladies I have never tried this before or even heard of it until a friend in my blogging class Katie Barbee told me about it, so thanks Katie for telling me about it. So ladies this is a fun, easy and simple way to make your own nail polish using eye shadow, you can either buy new shadow or use what you have at home or in your dorm, who knew eye shadow could do so much!

Step 1

First get your clear bottle of nail polish does not matter the brand

Step 2

 Pick the colors of eye shadow you want to use then crush it up.

If you have eye shadow that busted from falling on the floor this is a great way to put it to use

Step 3
After you have all your colors mixed togther then you pour it into the clear nail polish, to pour it in I used a sticky note and just rolled it up works easier that way.

Step 4
Once all the colors are in mix it up

Step 5
After you have mixed it, you should have the color nail polish you desired


  1. I really like this idea to make your own nail polish. I may never buy another bottom, just make my own.

  2. You're very welcome Reece! I'm so glad you decided to try this one out! :)

    -Katie <3

  3. I agree with you about using busted eye shadow- that is a great idea to use it for nail polish instead of just throwing it away. i will definitely be trying this (:

  4. This is really cool! I've never heard of it before and might just have to try it out!
